BTS as indian inventions

A thread~

Jin as Ayurved

Ayurved’ means ‘science of life’; it is a traditional school of medicine, invented and practised in India for over 5,000 years, and helps people attain good health and living.
Yoongi as Yoga

A significant contribution in the field of healthy living, India introduced the world to yoga. The world celebrates ‘International Yoga Day’ on June 21st every year.
JHope as USB

Ajay V. Bhatt (an Indian-American computer architect) made the USB, a little removable storage device that is capable of holding a large chunk of data storage and transfer.
Namjoon as Buttons

The origins of buttons trace back to the Indus Valley Civilisation in 2000 BCE. Some 5,000 years ago, they were made out of seashells and formed into geometric shapes with tiny holes bored into them.
Jimin as Chess

Chess is the game of intellectuals, and it originated as ‘Ashtapada’ during the Gupta period around the 6th century AD.
Taehyung as Shampoo

shampoo, invented in 1762 in the eastern parts of the Mughal Empire and used as a ‘head massage’, comprising of natural oils and herbs. The English word ‘shampoo’ derives its name from the Hindi word ‘chāmpo’, which comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Chapayati’,
Jungkook as Ludo

Ludo (Pachisi) originated in India by the 6th century.The earliest evidence of this game in India is the depiction of boards on the caves of Ajanta. A variant of this game, called Ludo
I didn't mention all Indian inventions in this thread and there are many more to know about. I tried my best to make an informative thread.
Thank you 💜💜
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