Just got converted back to being a leftist:

They simply explained that the way to solve the problem of a corrupt corporate government was to give it more money and more control over our quality of life

"NO NO NO, LISTEN: all we have to do is disarm ourselves, give over control of our trade and economy to international climate agreements, and allow the government to engulf the healthcare industry. UTOPIA"
"LISTEN HERE TRUMPTARD our #1 issue is RACISM, no, just because race relations have gotten worse since BLM and we've had riots for 4 months doesn't mean this is an op. I need to show Im a good person so I simply do/believe everything I hear on one of the 20 late night talk shows"
"BELIEVE SCIENCE! SO WHAT IF THE ACTUAL DATA CONTRADICTS WHAT WE ARE TOLD BY THE ACADEMIC ESTABLISHMENT. Im SCARED of climate change, mass shootings & the wuhan flu, therefore, you MUST give up your rights to satisfy my neuritic anxiety. Just stop thinking for yourself, like me!"
"Yes, the ultra wealthy are corrupt. Power corrupts! Eat the rich! Except for Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Rockefellers, THEY'RE JUST GOOD PEOPLE HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THEIR INTENTIONS YOU LUNATIC!! YES, all wars are for profit, but there's NO WAY 9/11 was an inside job!"
"CRAZY QANON BIGOTS! You REALLY think the elite are child trafficking satanic pedophiles just because Jeffery Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and NXIVM were all brought down under DRUMPF???? Yes, Marina Abramovic hosts elite parties where she does rituals and mock cannibalism, its ART"
"YES BELIEVE ALL WOMEN, NO TRIAL! Except if its Joe Biden, then its an op. What's that? Yes, I DO have a list of my mental illnesses in my bio, yes, I AM on a list of patented psychoactive pharmaceutical drugs. AND YES, YOU are the crazy one if you don't agree with ME"
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