I have some time today, so let me give you a peek into my inbox and show you how some racist and classist white abortion activists fix their mouths to speak to me—and why I work unapologetically to ensure storytellers of color and our experiences are centered thoughtfully. https://twitter.com/RBraceySherman/status/1319252150162247682
I get a lot of emails asking me my thoughts on and to promote projects, docs, books, etc. Usually, I get asked after the project is finished, and as my friend @Amber_Abundance reminds me: if you really valued my opinion on this, you wouldn't be asking me for it after it's done.
The email I received from Joanne about the book BACK ROOMS was pretty standard, so it got my standard reply, which is "Can you tell me how many folks of color are included?" I also addressed her assumption that young people don't know what illegal abortions are like.

What she said was disgustingly racist. Imagine thinking that asking about the inclusion of people of color is not factual and a "ridiculous requirement" in 2020. Not to mention, they seem to think people of color weren't getting abortions prior to 1973. We're erased from history.
"There is also a story from a guy who is Puerto Rican and his friend."


"Sorry, we don't have stories of any Native Americans (the book was published 32 years ago!)."

Girl. You're not a very good historian at that.
Imagine, this is someone who believes they wrote one of the most important books on pre-Roe abortion stories, and they're upset at even being ASKED about the inclusion of people of color. This is what liberal, supposedly feminist, racism looks like when just asking about race.
I was floored. So shocked that I waited several days to respond, because I will not be spoken to this way in my own email—especially when you needed something from me.
Here was her response. Now, to be clear, I didn't reject the book; I simply asked how many people of color were included in it.

Look at the way that she weaponizes my youth (although I turned 35 this week and have a decade of abortion storytelling experience!) against me.
She says I'm "ill-informed" because I asked about the inclusion of race. She uses her endorsement from the @PPHP CEO & other "medical professionals and influential women" to invalidate my work, experience, and questions about race.

Look at what you endorsed @PPHPActivist.
"Your reaction is typical of the world of social media: ill-informed and shallow to most people of high intelligence."

She insults our intelligence...because we use social media? Her slurs are racist and classist dog whistles—all for asking about race.
"Your response will remain in a heap of garbage reserved for social media “queens.” And that is why people with class, experience and intelligence, eschew most of your world."

You know who else talks about IQ like this? Our president.

Paging @RacismDog! BARK BARK!
Joanne writes "I’ve been in the publishing business for over 40 years as an editor at @VikingBooks & @StMartinsPress."

With attitude like this, no wonder nearly ALL books about abortion do not begin with the premise that the majority of us who have abortions are people of color.
I am utterly disgusted. So, please, when you put your organizational endorsement on books or promote books about abortion, ask about race first.

There are more of these in my inbox, but I usually don't waste my time publicizing them. Some white women speak to me in awful ways.
This is why in the fight for abortion access, white women and folks of color are not in the same movement. Part of our work is having to make our voices heard among your ignorance, racism, and down right disillusionment with your self-importance.

Get out of our way.
In short: Do better racist white women of the pussy hat brigade.

Fuck off, Joanne Michaels and Ellen Messer.

Be Best,
'An obviously young ill-informed social media queen'
You can follow @RBraceySherman.
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