all @expensify customers should be aware that they are sharing their internal business spending data with a man who believes not voting for his candidate is a threat to "democracy", and who willingly abuses data he has already collected to send illegal political ads.
it must be assumed he would enthusiastically abuse your data in other ways, such as cross checking voter registration and donor lists to leak spending reports, ips, and personal contact info of his political enemies with competitors, authorities, and/or terrorist organizations.
most accounts they electioneered to today signed up bc of their own company expense reporting policies, not bc they wanted a personal expensify account. thus companies continuing to use their service will now be complicit in election interference and hostile political targeting.
employees who feel unsafe due to demonstrated political misuse of their personal data by a company that calls them "enemies of democracy" if they do not support a specific candidate should prepare to take legal action if their employer's relationship with expensify continues.
this isn't theoretical. they will eich you if you vote trump. they will eich you if you vote jo or howie. they will eich you if you don't vote. they will use your personal data and all data they collect from you against you. using their app is a hostile workplace environment.
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