students who protested against racism at Mizzou a few weeks ago are now being blocked from registering for Spring 2021 classes... info below on how to get a temporary hold removal. But why are they being blocked? why are they being punished for peaceful protests? ->
A pretty rigorous overhaul of campus policies on freedom of speech and protests happened after 2015. the new policies prohibited tents (except for tailgating... go figure) and noisy protests in buildings that might disrupt work. the use of sound amplification was re-evaluated>
under the new policies the Mizzou 600 protest was deemed "disruptive" and students are being sanctioned. the rationale is below in a message from President-Chancellor Mun Choi to faculty on the subject
also as usual I seem to have used the "add another tweet" button incorrectly and this thread is a mess. sorry!
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