An earlier post from someone I follow got me thinking about the problems with the US HEALTH CARE BILLING SYSTEM.

With apologies to @AnnaHewson1 who has heard this analogy way too much...

think of our system like a loaf of bread
(Sorry Anna)

Follow along.

So... in the normal world... you go to a store... you see a loaf of bread you like... and you buy it.

Every... single... time... you see the price of it before you even buy it.

Helps you make a decision (along with brand and type)

Simple right?

Welp. Gimme a sec.

In the US health care system it works a bit differently

Yes... you still get to go to the store (hospital... doc's office)... BUT

in the US, they give you the bread, you take it home, and likely eat it,

all before you get charged for it

Yep. You get it for free.


But there's a catch. A big one.

In this world, a month or so after you took the bread out of the store and opened it and ate it (and digested it... etc),

the store sends you a bill.

but you don't just get that bill

sometimes you get 2 or 3 or 4 bills.

all for that loaf

one bill is for the bread.

but another bill is for the guy or gal who checked you out of the store

another bill is to pay for the people who keep the store open

another bill is the guy or gal who stacked the bread into the aisle.

oh... and there's more

so... remember that credit card you have?

yeah, so that credit card has a special, secret deal with the store you bought the bread from

so your bread charge is $2

BUT... your friend who has a different credit card?

Not as good of a deal

So she must pay $6. Sucks for her

Anyhoo... let's go back to your $2 loaf.

You're good right?

Not so fast buckeroo

Turns out, the person who checked you out of the store has NO DEAL with your credit card company.

And now he wants $15... just because he CHECKED YOU OUT...


So, of course, you complain

That bill seems arbitrary, you think

Problem is... federal law ALLOWS HIM TO DO THIS

He can charge whatever he wants.

And, to him, $15 seems totally reasonable.

I mean, technically, he went to "bread loaf checkout school" and has bills too

So now you decide not to pay him.

And he, in turn, gets mad.

But HE doesn't sue you. No, instead he uses a third-party collections company to sue.

And that company likes to put liens on homes and garnish wages.

And so they do that to you.

crazy huh?

Welp. This is the system we have in the US HEALTH CARE BILLING world

Yes, I have simplified many things.

And there are a million other threads I could take.

But, in practice, this is sort of how it works.

And, yeah, it's not fair.

what's the lesson?

We, as consumers, have to fight back!

Ask questions of your providers. Know what the words deductible and a copay and coinsurance mean.

Know what your deductible and out-of-pocket max are.

Arm yourself with information.

And, perhaps most importantly, don't accept the idea that this system cannot change.

it must change.

We wouldn't accept this behavior at a grocery store... why should we accept it when it comes to health care?

Oh... and if you get a bill that you think is absurd as my anology....

...don't hesitate to write me at [email protected]

I see every one of those emails.

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