Story time y’all
Last night @GQStatus_ and I we sleeping and all in a sudden the dogs start barking and we hear a pounding on our front door. It takes a lot for Sam and I to wake up and our dogs also love their sleep so it was loud!
I spring ...up four dogs barking barking jumping on the bed and check the ring and I see this
At 2 am anyone would be rightly freaked out ... like our street is very quite, everyone knows everybody we’re a close community and I’m half asleep like what the fuck is going on is he trying to break in and kill us what’s happening?!!!
@GQStatus_ springs into action and calls the cops all while the kind gentleman continues to try to break down our door.
We realize during all this he has a small dog with him. So our dogs are FREAKING OUT and we start to realize something is off. It’s a good 30 minutes of banging and yelling our neighbors are texting asking if we’re ok.
While we wait for the cops we keep yelling at him to go away to no avail or at least stop banging on our door so we can sleep.
Cops finally come the kind gentleman is clearly high and drunk with a random dog turns out he was trying to get in his girlfriends house which was about 30 minutes away walking from ours.
At this point his girlfriend is BLOWING up his phone the cops make him put it on speaker and she is screaming that he STOLE her dog.... he’s trying to walk back to her clearly he can’t ...cops are trying to get him home, and I just want to go to sleep.
Finally he leaves and now Sam and the dogs are hype it’s 3 am so no one is getting any sleep and we all have to work. Moral of the story?
Keisha needs a new man
We need to talk about how to help black men with substance abuse issues and how to better help them.
The @ring doorbell needs a deterrent feature for these situations
Im very tired and love my husband and dogs for guarding our castle.
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