Censorship is something that the *government* does (or, ideally, doesn't do).
If the government has you arrested for voicing your opinions, that's an infringement of your freedom of speech.

If the government has all copies of a certain piece of media banned or destroyed, that's censorship.
If I write a book about the history of bulldozers from 1923-1942 and send it to a publisher of queer romance, and they decide not to buy it, that is not censorship.

If I don't include a certain book in my syllabus, that is also not censorship.
If I tell my family not to watch a certain show using my Netflix account, that is not censorship.

If I decide not to buy a book, that is not censorship.

If I post a negative review of a piece of media on my blog, that is not censorship.
If I buy a book and then burn it, that is not censorship.

If I don't attend an event, don't listen to a speech, don't consume certain media, that is not censorship.

If I host an event and don't invite certain people, that is not censorship.
You are entitled to your beliefs,

and I am allowed to curate my space according to mine.
You can follow @soveryqueer.
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