Right because I have too much bubble tea in me and not enough motivation to study here's a thread of some of my favourite zheng yunlong songs
this doesn't include srrx or ycf songs because you should have already seen those (if you haven't why are you here go and watch them asap) or fancams (you should also go watch those 😩 his dior and 野路子 concerts are growing on me so much, and ofc the srrx tours)
I'll start with the one I always rave about: 婚约

The lyrics to this about a husband gone off to war, with dalong's expressiveness and the juxtaposition to the couple in wedding attire? absolute perfection

(subs are not mine! it's the only version i could find on yt)
I've been listening to his and 金池 老师's 山丘 so much lately - dalong's maturity here is so good and goes way beyond his age in singing about the regrets in someone's old age. 金池 is SO brilliant too, and their harmonies from one chorus to the other is 👌
His and 齐豫's 弯弯的月亮 is also such an instant classic, the rise and fall of their voices together paint such a beautiful picture of the quiet night 😭 画面感太强了
如果爱!! I have nothing more to say, this is the classic long tugging on your heartstrings
This one I HAD to include because of dalong's part... just listen to it I promise you it is stunning
He's just 🥰🥰 throughout this entire song 😭😭😭😭 he's so cute (this song is called 给你们, it's a song specially for newly weds)
I honestly preferred this when he sang it in 蒙面 but that was for all of like 10 seconds,, this is cute too!! Happy long!! And zhang bichen's voice is so lovely too (i just love this song a lot okay)
The legendary cat squared duet!! This was so good, their voices fit so well together!! I love love love dalong x Shenshen interactions 🥺
This song is not talked about enough tbh!! Who would have imagined yu di & dalong collab but I love the way their voices sound together 💕 yu di's voice is unbelievably warm 🥰
^ twitter destroyed the quality :(( it's such a good song so i really recommend you listen to the original!!
他们说 is so upbeat and catchy that I can't help but sing to it every time 他们说 就算没有翅膀 也能保护这世界!!
Same with 何妨少年!! Such a bop
Baby Mine took a long long time to grow on me but grow on me it did,, he's just so warm in this song 😭 it's def not a comfortable range for him but i'm glad he's challenging himself

(Also long telling me to be proud of myself?? Confidence instantly restored)
微光!! I'll be honest I prefer this to 对不起我爱你 (不要打我) because I feel that caicai's expression has really gotten better since srrx? This felt a lot more natural than dbqwan
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