Biden talking about personality is an appeal to liberal’s innate and overblown sense of self importance: the belief that identity and who you are is more important than what you DO. This is the fundamental divider in our culture today; make no mistake about it.
Everyone wants purpose, but one side believes it’s all you need and the other side believes it’s meaningless unless it begets action.
It’s why liberals love “big government.” Liberals believe themselves as the “idea men” of society - “we show and tell you what right is so you can go do it.”

They never consider what it takes to actually do it.
Conservatives are left to then to execute it - and it’s expensive and it doesn’t work for them; and they reject it and the condescension that comes with it.
Our cultural conflict in our country right now is no more complicated than this. It’s not Satanic Pedophiles Vs. White Supremacists. It’s an elite ruling class telling the slave class what’s good for them, and the slave class rejecting it. It’s what America was built on.
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