Disability is subconsciously finding work-arounds that you don’t notice until someone points them out to you.
Disability is your “friends” not including you instead of trying to do things that are accessible to you.
Disability is everyone telling you to work through your disability instead of coming to terms with it and learning what your limits are.
Disability is struggling and refusing to let people help you because they don’t know how to do it without infantilizing you.
Disability is people not realizing that allowing someone to help you is an a moment of vulnariblity and can also be intimate.
Disability is isolation.
Disability is breaking down and crying when someone actually thinks to ask you how they can help you before you even think to mention it.
Disability is your mother telling you she didn’t acknowledge or adjust to your disability because she wanted to teach you about the real world.
Disability is someone telling you you’re not worth pursuing romantically because they don’t want to spend all their time taking care of you.
Disability is continuing to remain unseen, unheard and invisible. Even by people who claim to know better.
Disability is apologizing for the burden of your existence.
Disability is learning not to ask.
Disability is learning not to assert yourself.
Disability is having to rise above and affirm yourself, value yourself, see the inherent humanity in yourself.
Disability is people telling your romantic partner what a good person they are for being with you right in front of you.
Disability is going to church and getting “hands out on you” because surely god is merciful and he’ll save you from the punishment of your existence.
Being disabled is having the example of your life used as a cautionary tale.
Being disabled is learning to advocate for yourself.
I am so tired.
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