Even with Trump gone, Dems and their media outlets are going to keep centering/inflating the threat of Fascism and Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism because that's what keeps everyone in line behind the Dems: we can't fight neoliberalism or imperialism until we've vanquished fascism! https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1319634842301140994
The Democratic Party and its media outlets - MSNBC, CNN, WPost/NYT - are drowning in cash. The key is to keep fear levels high: they keep everyone scared about a fascist takeover & present themselves as the only protectors. It's a model of profit and power that is not going away.
Huge swaths of US liberalism & even the left got convinced over 4 years that institutions like CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. - and neocons/right-wing operatives like David Frum, Bill Kristol, Rick Wilson - might not be perfect but they at least oppose fascism & care about democracy (lol).
This has been a huge propaganda coup for security state agencies and their life-long loyalists. They are no longer seen even on the left as what they are -- the greatest threats to democratic, liberals values & the greatest source of disinformation -- but are rather now beloved.
If Biden wins, that's going to be the power structure: a Democratic Party fully united with neocons, Bush/Cheney operatives, CIA/FBI/NSA, Wall St & Silicon Valley: presenting itself as the only protection against fascism. And much of the left will continue marching behind it.
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