Dear students, this is for you.

ODL (Open and Distance Learning) is hard, isn't it? It's a silent struggle that is often being denied. It may sound like you have a lot of freedom, and you can be your own boss. But the reality is, it's a handful battle.
ODL is not the same for everyone. Not everyone is lucky enough to find a "home" in their own house. You are lucky if you did, but I know..
Some of you just want to escape from your family. Some family, are just too broken to be fixed.
This may sound stupid, but it is not easy to be a college student and a useful child at the same time. Being a student, you are struggling with classes and assignments. You need to score in quizzes and examinations.
I believe your parents are aware of this, but not all of them are willing to understand. Being a part of the house means there's a price to pay. You know what I mean.
Some of you are financially struggling. Not everyone can afford to have WiFi in their house. Internet and data are not free. Worst, students who have no access to the internet and technology will fall behind.
I know most of you are emotionally and mentally drained. I know it's hard to stay motivated to the point you feel like quitting. But please, hang in there.
There's nothing you can't change for now, but at least take good care of your mental health. It's not just about passing the grades, it's about your overall wellness.
Things are hard now, but believe me you are stronger than you think. Reach out if needed. Talk to someone, or ask your friend's help. We're in this together. You are not alone. You got this okay?
Don't forget to check on your friends. Some people don't know how to share their problems or maybe too shy. let's take care of each other!
You can follow @matnann.
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