1/ Update on Karl Schaps execution by Nazis in 1942: #stolpersteine placed in front of his last work site in Köln last month. Here are some photos of the event. Thread below from last year gives details of his fate. https://twitter.com/IMT_NMTtrials/status/1176846096615780353
2/ The site, on Hohenzollernring in Cologne, is where Schaps worked as a bartender prior to his arrest. He was arrested and later guillotined for having sex with various women despite being Jewish.
3/ Schaps was killed at the infamous Klingelpütz prison, along with another 1000 or so ill-fated individuals whose behavior did not conform to Nazi guidelines. (an old image of the prison - torn down after the war)
4/ Two lovely images of his Stolperstein on Hohenzollernring in Köln, installed by Gunter Demnig. There are now >75,000 of these, in more than 1000 municipalities around the world. //
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