Sept 30 I tweeted this thread. There is a lot of noise from all corners in response to the injunction and subsequent police violence. The issue remains white settler folk allowed this to happen. It is YOUR court and system. Not ours.
@1492LBL posted this Tweet last night
The Kanien'keha:ka People are not responsible for your system. We are responsible for our own systems of governance.
This Family Court judge is inept and this was signalled early on yet there was absolutely no action by lawyers, politicians, media, white thinkers to intervene to prevent a possible tragedy that could see innocent people defending their land getting killed or badly injured.
It is your federal government who sent in ministers with no jurisdiction or mandate to address Nation to Nation issues. Not one media story or thread other than mine mentioned the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister to end the illegal occupation of our land.
The reason is simple.
White minds are locked into white perspectives on jurisprudence, governance, legality. And, these perspectives are all built on the thinking that produced apartheid, anti-Indigenous racism, and laws making land dispossession legal.

Think about that.
So wringing your hands, posting own social media, AND just sending money to support outnumbered and unarmed Indians to absolve your guilt or your innate need to appear to do something while doing the expedient; the neat; the clean IS NEVER GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING.
What will bring change is rolling up your sleeves and doing the dirty work of overthrowing a system that is racist, unjust, and a disgrace to humanity.
You can't expect a small group of Indigenous People who are self aware enough to see past the traumas and conditioning of Canada's multi-generational system of oppression to do the job for you so you can sit back and eat your turkey giving thanks for your just society.
This is your problem. This being Justice Harper, Doug Ford, Bennett, Miller, Trudeau, Joe Wild, the OPP, the RCMP, Ken Hewitt of Haldimand. None of them are Indians. They are white people and Canadian organizations.
So this morning lift your eyes and look around you. Understand that "white privilege" is more than trolling us on Twitter or not getting followed in stores.
White privilege is being able to get up and go to work today and not worry about Justice Harper and 20 million dollars in court awarded damages, and ultimately Canada through your system saying our land is your land.
It is not being worried about being shot, being arrested at gunpoint, or being jailed by someone else's system where you have no say because it is not your system and
if you go "Vote" in that system, you accept a role as a component of that system and relinquish your inherent sovereignty within your own realm in exchange for being a part of the very system that oppresses you and steals you land and voice
Enough is enough. Overthrow or dismantle your system if you truly believe you are an ally and believe in justice for all. This will not happen sitting behind a keyboard wiring letters to governments who will not change because it is not in their best interest to do so.
It is wasted energy
Sitting with the Indians at the fire singing Kumbaya will not end the injustice.
Physically disrupting the systems of injustice and physically disrupting Justice Harper's courtroom is doing something.
Letting him gavel you into inaction and silence; that is white privilege because your life goes on and your rights remain intact
The change in law, attitude, and society cannot wait another 153 years. It can't wait another 10 years because the rigged Canadian game of Right Recognition and Reconciliation will be over and won by Canada through their proxy Indian Act chiefs and councils.
If you don't have the guts, the will, the strength to change your racist society just let us know. We will send you a smudge bowl and some buffalo sage to assuage your hurt feelings.
#LandBack #WhitePrivilege #UnjustSociety
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