Biden v. Trump, Economic Chart Series:

Chart 1: @JoeBiden ran the 2009 Recovery Act program, which ended the Great Recession and launched the longest streak of job growth on record.
Chart 2: Trump likes to claim that he "built the greatest economy in history" in his first 3 years, but the truth is, job creation *slowed* in those years compared to what Trump inherited from Obama-Biden.
Chart 3: Real wage growth also *slowed* in Trump's first 3 years compared to what he inherited from Obama-Biden.
Chart 4: Small business job growth slowed in Trump's 2nd year in office; small businesses *lost* jobs in Trump's 3rd year; and small businesses have been devastated by Trump's incompetent response to COVID in his 4th year.
Chart 5: Six months after Trump promised a "rocket ship" recovery and pushed to reopen without masks and without adequate testing and tracing, the Trump Economy is still in the tank.
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