Capitalism commodified time and fostered feelings of guilt, shame and inadequacy when this time was not used efficiently (i.e working/being productive) to make us excellent workers. (1/6)
In turn, social media has commodified free-time and hobbies, making them performative. Self-care must be done correctly - nice restaurant meals, fancy hygiene products, spa days - and those feelings of guilt, shame and inadequacy now come from not buying into these products (2/6)
In recent times, activism has been naturally commodified by social media, because that is social media's nature. Guilt, shame and inadequacy comes alongside not announcing what role you are playing within activism online, as if to prove to others you are doing your bit... (3/6)
...probably because we begin to look at activism through the capitalist lens of social media. We forget the grassroots of activism - done amongst friends, workplaces, places of study, of worship - and worry these moments of activism will go unseen by others. (4/6)
Unlearn the idea that guilt can only be quelled by proving you are an activist and realise that what you can do OUTSIDE of social media is the most important. It's also important to note that this thread centres massively around the guilt of the privileged. Ultimately... (5/6)
Your discomfort means absolutely nothing in light of the oppression that so many different people face every day. Being uncomfortable is another important kind of activism, it is a sacrifice we all have to make to be better. (6/6)
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