Sejak ada jiran baru ni, semakin banyak pulak kucing datang
Nama2 diatas hanyalah sekadar panggilan. Honestly I'm not sure what their actual names are
Sambil2 buat thread pasal kucing ni, why not introduce our house cats
Well, I say house cats but they're more like "stay outside the house" cats since diaorg dah biasa duk luar. Bawak masuk sekali sekala.
Anyway, here's Delilah (a.k.a "Mak") and Coco (a.k.a "Anak")
Brought them back from dorm adik around July since dah xde orang kat dorm dia after she came back from UIA
Despite what I've said around 2 tweets ago, we do have one indoor cat
Meet pinky, he's a snacc :v
He was rescued from the hill behind my house about a month or so ago and since then we treat him as an indoor cat
Here is pinky playing with Coco through the door
Here's him sleeping at his former fave spot, the opened luggage bag
Now this is his fave sleeping spot, a fruit bowl turned candy bowl beside the living room sofa
Lastly, here's him drinking a cup of water from my sister's cup lol
And with that, I close this thread
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