If you respond to poor children not having enough to eat by passive aggressively tweeting cheap shopping lists of the kind of food you'd expect to eat in a Victorian orphanage, then you're a total fucker.
If you believe that parents' problems should mean that their innocent children go to bed hungry, then you're a fucking monster. No ifs, no buts, no arguments.
If *this* is what the bullshit culture war will boil down to - accepting the idea of 5 year old girls and boys curled up in their beds with an empty tummy night after night - then bring it on. You people *are* scum.
Meanwhile these tory MPs can have sirloin steak and steak & kidney pudding with posh potatoes and fresh veg for £9.19 in their Palace of Westminster dining room.

For reference a steak in Wetherspoons is £13.85 and I guarantee the quality will be crap.
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