These resources on #creativity are so timely and useful for someone like me who 'has to know everything' at once or thinks they are floundering in #research. Actually put off reading these thinking they were extraneous or I didn't have enough time (thread..)
I have been firmly at various points in the 'interruptions and obstacles' phases regarding planning a project and associated components & continually panic that I need to do and know all ASAP... The concept of incubation has been a light bulb moment..
And let me off ever so slightly with needing to step back from piles of maps and notes I keep returning to and becoming overwhelmed by. It won't jump out at you if your brain is fried!
Thank you @NHSNWRD for finally revealing to me the madness behind the creative pursuits - it's clicked! If anyone would like these resources I am more than happy to share. Life savers.
You can follow @LaurenAshtonCo2.
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