and now, because yall wanted this apparently

'Reasons why you should date me' A thread that I will attempt to make even though I only have like two solid qualities going for me :/
1. im funni
2. i will literally adore u all day everyday
3. i can draw so like, if u want me to draw smth for u ill do it
4. ill gay panic a lot nd apparently that's cute so like
5. even tho i gay panic often ill prob be flirty with u a lot

I've got the range ;)
6. i. can speak like five languages
7. i will def have pet names for u in those five languages
8. i uh

ill always be available if u wanna rant or vent unless I'm at school then :/
9. ill literally call u cute like every ten min if we interact
10. ill always be excited to talk to u but if u want space I'll leave u alone

I'm considerate i think but that should just be common sense
11. i can also write well apparently so like

poems perhaps?
12. i will sing to u (maybe cause I'm a shy boi)
13. ull prob make up like 74% of my impulse control nd ill forever be grateful for that lmao
14. i literally just wanna love nd care for someone rn
15. im not white

idk if thats a quality but I'm not so :/
16. i will always crave cuddles but ive literally never been cuddled
17. idk if ive said this before but I will cherish u so muchđŸ„ș
18. im stronk so i can scoop u
19. i will spoon u on command no cap






21. apparently im adorable so :/
22. im rly caring for everyone except myself so like ull prob need to remind me to sleep or smth lmao
23. i just want to be cared for tbh ( ._.)
24. ive been told im fun to talk to

also I'm a dumbass so there'll always be some kind of entertainment when I'm talking to u whether it be me drinking vinegar or smth
25. okay im starting to panic now so im gonna go lay down nd question my existencePerson standing

this prob wont result in anything but IF anyone wants to be my gf reply to this plsPleading face

idk if this actually works but we'll see :/

end thread
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