Do I live tweet programming some GPS collars?
I'm new to this so it may be absolute scenes.

GPS collar
CD of sofrtware
CD reader
Some sort of USB stick - not 100% on what it is yet

Status: I'm seriously running out of USB ports
Prior prep:

Read instructions ✔️
Install Software ✔️
This is just your standard vectronics GPS collar. They have a Vhf to find the dogs also. You remove the magnet to turn it on.

Yes that is my dining table
Keeping your desk neat and well organised is essential. As is tea.
Pause while I check whether we want network set up or single user set up.

My bets are on network but let's find out before I plow ahead.
There are 233 pages of instructions that come with this which So I've mostly been working out what bits are relevant this week.
So a few hours of going round in circles about where best to set up the data storage service.
There are so many options but the one I would like to happen (auto backup to Teams) is not a thing XD
WHY IS IT ON A CD. I want to put the DSS on my work PC but the software is literally on a CD so I need to go and put it in my work computer to do that so can't do it remotely. Blargh.
Can I wetransfer the CD contents to myself 🤔
702 MB. I have hope. Let's try this.
Meeting interlude.
I'm now re-downloading the software onto my work computer.
Ominously the logo is a crossed out deer. Does this GPS collar...cancel deer?
Also the software is now on my work computer, as you can see this a speedy and easy setup.
Current status: Setting up an SMTP server so it will email me if something goes wrong. Why is this not a default where you can just put your email in and it does it for you *crying*
what even goes in host name. It'd be really good if the instructions gave you worked examples...
This is real life wildlife biology folks I hope you are enjoying it.
The software now keeps timing out and giving me an error message so it's going super well.
I have restarted the computer, that'll definitely fix it.
It legit did.
So I'm basically stuck in a never ending loop where when I try and set up the SMTP it does some weird thing where it causes everything to say 'Read timed out' and nothing loads until I restart the computer.
1. put in host details
2. put in email details
3. click apply
4. get 'Read timed out' error
5. Restart computer
6. put in host details
7. put in email details
8. click apply
9. get 'Read timed out' error
10. Restart computer
11. put in host details
12. Repeat forever
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