We've been charting the (in-)effectiveness of NHS Test and Trace for a while but also worth looking overseas to get a feel for its effectiveness. Thankfully others have done those painstaking comparisons👇 (1/4)
We cautioned that testing capacity is not the same as (indeed far from) number of people tested. Transpires we are world beaters in overegging our test capacity (i.e. difference b/w stated and proven capacity); despite this comparatively we test a lot https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3694441 2/4
The number of recent close contacts identified does not look out-of-kilter (in fact pretty good) with that in other countries (with exception of Taiwan) [Source:WSJ]. And e.g. France have had significant decline in performance on this. But... (3/4)
... as we highlighted, given the very leaky nature of the system probably very few people *actually* quaranteening. Again, international comparisons perhaps informative here: we were the only nation looked at which did no monitoring of those isolated/ quarantined (4/4)
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