This is an easy and delicious way to prepare cod.If it must go fast, but you still want to prepare something delicious and healthy, This is an easy and delicious way to prepare cod. Absolutely full proof! You can't go wrong.
Scroll down for the short version of the recipe.
Most of these ingredients you will already have in your cupboard. If you are missing an ingredient or two, don't sweat, it will still be delicious. The only thing you must have is Tomato. If you don't have canned tomatoes, fresh ones will even be better.
I use canned tomatoes, because I always have a can or two in my cupboard in the event that I have no fresh ones at hand. And it is faster than chopping tomatoes.
All you will need is:

- onion
- carrot
- lots of garlic
- champions
- red pepper
- potato
- can of tomatoes
- all spice corns
- cloves
- cumin

The quantities don't matter that much. With the spices I would say about a teaspoon full of each.
For extra flavour I also used some dried wild mushrooms. If you don't have them, don't worry, but id you do through it in there, it is a very good accompaniment to the fish!
Dice the onion and the garlic, and sauté it together with the spices and the dried wild mushrooms, in a skillet which has a lid ( you will need the lid late to practically "steam" the fish), until the onions are tender and the spices had time to develop some flavour.
Dice the potatoes, red pepper and carrot and add it to the sautéd onions. Sauté for another minute or two.
Add the can of tomatoes/ or diced fresh tomatoes if you are using them and let it simmer until the vegetables are just tender.
Then slice your mushrooms in half and add it to the tomato mixture. let it simmer for only a minute or two.
Rinse and dry the cod thoroughly. Cut the cod in the desired size and add the cod to the tomato vegetable mixture.
Let the cod barely simmer on VERY low heat (You are almost "steaming" the fish) with the lid on, until the fish is done. Until it JUST starts to gently fall apart.
I recommend serving the Cod with rice.
Deliciously comforting!
Short version of the recipe:


(Quantities don't really matter. As far for the spices, use one teaspoon full of each.)
- Fresh (or defrosted) cod, wash and dried
- Canned tomatoes
- onion, diced
- carrot, diced
- champions, sliced in half
- one or two potatoes, diced
- red pepper, diced
- Garlic, diced
- Cumin
- whole All spice corns
- whole pepper corns
- Cloves
- few pieces of dried wild mushroom (optional)
- a little olive oil for sautéing
- a skillet with a lid

- Heat olive oil in the skillet and sauté the onions, garlic, spices and dried mushrooms ( if you are using them), until the onions are tinder and the spices have developed flavour.
- Add all the diced vegetables and sauté for another minute or two.
- Add the tomatoes and let it simmer over medium heat until the vegetable are Just tender.
- Add the mushrooms in simmer for another minute or two.
- Turn the heat very low and add the fish. Place the lid on and let the fish almost just cook with the steam until in JUST starts to fall apart.
- Serve with rice.
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