I LOVE my private healthcare. Why?

- Showing up at the doctor + paying a 60 dollar copay. Love it!
- Paying a 5k deductible before my insurance kicks in for anything outside of primary care. Love it!
- Getting medically necessary claims denied because 🤷
Love it!

See it's great
More things I love:

- Losing my healthcare when I lose my job
- Switching insurances when my common antidepressant is no longer covered by my insurance company
- Paying thousands in premiums each year to get the right to pay thousands in deductibles before insurance kicks in
Things I love as a substance use counselor:
- When companies tell you theyre kicking out a patient in rehab during detox because "heroin withdrawal's not life threatening"
- When they commit fraud to deny care
- When they deny rehab because the patients not suicidal or homicidal
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