Vent thread:
This evening I told my cousin that I was struggling in my virtual classes, he asked "Which ones?". I said English and Religion.

His response?

"Really dude? Lmao that's an easy A+ class, I know that because passed it with ease" that's what he basically said -_-
A little PSA from me: If you know someone who is struggling with school, classes or work, don't mock them or insult their intelligence or any crappy stuff. If you do that, it just makes you look like an ass. Help and guide them instead! 1/
Just because you did something well in school, certain tasks etc, doesn't mean other people will succeed with ease like you did. There are people like me that struggle with certain classes, and are at least making effort into passing. Everyone has different experiences. 2/
I'm trying my best into finishing assignments for my two classes, and like I said: just because you excelled something in class, doesn't mean people will have that same experience and might have difficulty with handing in tasks and other subjects. And that's ok! 3/
I personally am not a fan of virtual learning, but since we are in a pandemic, I don't really have a choice.

I don't do well in virtual learning however, I get easily distracted, procrastinate a lot and focus on little things instead of my laptop. And I don't really sit still.4
So basically what I'm trying to say is don't be an asshole towards someone who has difficulty in school or is struggling in general. Help and guide them in your own way so they can succeed and be more happy.

It'll be worth it! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)

(End of thread)
(oh and PS, here are some school quotes I found that goes well in this thread!)
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