Rich kids be like, “I worked hard just like everybody else and I deserve my scholarship!” Yeah sure with advanced programs, academic extra curriculars, high end devices and private tutors 🖕🏽
If you compete with a poor kid and you lose the scholarship, you’ll still be able to pay for your education. But poor kids? They have no other options but to find for jobs. If you drop out, you’ll still likely to be successful. Poor kids? Likely they’ll remain poor.
You see? Isn’t it sad that people have to list these out for you to understand your privilege? If only we could understand that success is relative and justice is way more important than watching the rich get richer.
I know this will trigger a lot of rich kids but if you see this and you want to make a difference instead of fighting me (cause I’m right anyway), we’re doing another fundraising in 14 days to help underprivileged kids getting access to devices (laptops). Stay tuned
Oh and follow @ HungerHurtsMY on twitter/Instagram. They will update everything on that project.
You can follow @imranshah___.
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