Interesting things on @halidecamera update.

It about the version naming system. Which you probably know. If not read this thread
calls its version names as “Mark I” and “Mark II” for their versions 1 and 2.

If you follow iron man or marvel universe, you know that these are the iron man suite version name
As like iron man, the team behind haiide camera - lux, wants to make or prefect each versions with lots of tech behind and release it as “Mark version number”
I have been working with iPhone camera for the past 5 years from iPhone 6 and trying to break my head with AVFoundation.

Every year there are new ways of how the camera process the image.
@halidecamera does lots of interesting thing interns of how its using AVFoundation and Metal.

I guess preview is fully backed by Metal and not regular preview you see on Camera app
Mark II - as the name suggests a very big update and congrats to the team.

There are only few apps/app update which I look forward to and make a immediate purchase.

@tweetbot before and now its @halidecamera
Wishing the team to release more Mark versions and don’t retire like iron man
You can follow @rizzu26.
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