Capricorn ♑️

Stop it. You know that good things comes to those who wait but most importantly those who have patience. You can’t rush the pot to done cooking just cause you hungry. You will receive everythign that your deserving of just remember to balance your thoughts and
Emotions. Working off a reward based system makes you fell “well I did it, so where tf my reward”. Take it the fuck easy LMAO. There’s still some ways to go. You know there’s things you need to work on and let go, and walk away from yet your still holding onto the past and
Trauma for dear life. Is it because you don’t know who you are without it? Outside of it? Release it. You are not your pain. Your pain is your pain and you are you. It’s time for you to work on this because great things are heading for you but they will happen in the way and the
Time that it’s suppose too. “Your wish is our command”. Your wish has already been granted, it’s just been shipped but it’s out for delivery. So fuckkng stubborn ya got the longest message. Get on my damn nerves🌺🦋🧿
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