Lately both Facebook and Twitter have been blocking, restricting, or banning content & accounts in what seems to be an arbitrary or at least haphazard way.

You may feel powerless to do anything about this—but you're not. There is something you can do:
Subscribe directly to your favorite accounts, by email or RSS.

Twitter and Facebook are centralized, but web, email, and RSS are decentralized. If you subscribe directly, they can always reach you. You can't get banned from email.
If you like my content and want to keep getting it, subscribe by email here: 

I don't expect to be banned by either network anytime soon—but on principle, I own my domain and host my own site in order to control my content and audience.
Do the same thing yourself: Register your own domain—it only takes 15 minutes and $15/year.

Host all your writing, if any, at your own WordPress or Jekyll site, on your own domain. Collect emails and/or offer RSS in order to notify people about posts.
Get an email at your personal domain and make it your primary address.

You can forward to Gmail or whatever, but don't make at-gmail-dot-com your primary address. That way if *Gmail* ever starts blocking newsletters/blogs, you can just flip to another email provider.
I have over 11k followers here on Twitter, but only a fraction of that on email. Most of you are trusting the Twitter gods to be wise and loving! Go independent and subscribe by email instead—then you'll escape their wrath if and when it turns. 
You can follow @jasoncrawford.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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