ooo wait i wanna do that too.

like or whatever and i’ll drop a story! my life is pretty interesting so i got some good ones
tw// grooming?? pos. pedo stuff??

my art teacher in 1st grade told me about a star who had a similar name to me who was a stripper. he than told me that i would be a good stripper. i didn’t understood what he meant so i just said ‘thanks!’
my cat sat like a person one time and it looked really funny considering that she was real fat
when i was like 8, my brother ‘found’ $20 and we went to Dairy Queen which was across the street. when we came back our mom was waiting at the door and turns out he stole from her.
i had a huge fear of dogs, especially the terrier dogs
(im guessing likes from this thread counts idk)

i have a sprained pinky(my step brother sat on it and it bent. it’s forever bent smh)
tw// near death experience

i have been in 3+ near deaths CAR accidents. i have almost died in other ways too
i have a lot of plushy that i put up as if it were some trophies
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