There's a chant of "paedophile protectors! paedophile protectors!" followed immediately by a chant of "follow your heart! follow your heart!" Emotional whiplash for these cops.
Crowd is apparently walking to Parliament now. Some people are confused about why police said they'd be arrested after they watched a misleadingly edited video saying the protest would be legal. They blame Dan, not their compatriots who deliberately lied to them.
Crystal peddler Raph Fernandez is talking with Mel Ciechanowicz from the Digital Warfare group (mob that flood comment sections). She said that she spoke to an old man who said he'd rather have covid than be lonely. Raph thinks his cough is just a normal cold. He won't be tested.
The group walking to parliament have encountered some more police. Someone is yelling that the horses are racist. Didn't catch what the horse did to inspire that so no comment.
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