I don't mind Senator McKenzie disliking the approach of Fight for Planet A, but I do have a problem with her assertion that the show was "factually incorrect". Especially given that her attached press release does not point to any factual inaccuracies that were in the show https://twitter.com/senbmckenzie/status/1318884047515394050
The Senator suggests that the show "misrepresents aspects of Australian agriculture, in particular the beef industry, for its contribution to carbon emissions". We used the Australian Government's own figures on agricultural emissions and the proportion from enteric fermentation.
Suggestions the show was biased and unbalanced seem to ignore that we recognised that many people would not give up meat (indeed I admitted I was a meat eater) and we looked at current approaches towards reducing the carbon footprint of beef (eg)...
We visited Jigsaw Farms and saw how they had achieved carbon neutral beef, lamb and wool, and we also examined the CSIRO and University of the Sunshine Coasts' development of emission reducing seaweed.
Far from denigrating the beef industry we presented the facts and acknowledged the potential. Meat and Livestock Australia has introduced a target of being carbon neutral by 2030. It is unclear how my desire to get "a carbon neutral piece of beef" was less respectful.
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