i like AOC a whole lot but her success/platform is no mystery. she's young, charismatic, pretty, and she embodies the "American dream" thing in a way that many celebs but very few politicians do. i'm super happy for her success but wary of all the cult of personality/hero worship
this is in response to some tweets i've seen about her that i'd rather not quote tweet because i don't want to be mobbed by some random people for not adequately showing fealty. very wary of Obama-like politicians as celebs, even ones i align with way more politically.
i don't know what's inside AOC's head or her heart. what i've seen makes her seem very genuine. but i do know that that level of celebrity does things to even the strongest and best people (esp younger people), and those things aren't generally good at all
more of us need to remember that the job of politicians is to serve the people. as long as AOC keeps that in her heart, she'll do good. but people really need to get over all this wanting public figures you like to be god emperor lady bosses
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