Dear straight people: if you’re thinking of making comments like “oh don’t worry they won’t get rid of gay rights it’s 2020” maybe you shouldn’t. Just don’t.
First of all. Wtf do you mean by “gay rights”??? Can we please stop calling it that. If you honestly believe gay people don’t deserve rights you are straight up un-American. The term u are looking for is “marriage equality”
Second of all. Maybe don’t try to tell LGBT people how they should feel about it. Don’t ever say something like “it’s scare tactics” or be dismissive of our concerns. Until you get to watch politicians decide whether or not you are allowed to get married maybe stfu
If you are an ally obviously this thread is not about you. But I’m really tired of people downplaying the shit. I’m tired of FAMILY implying that I don’t need to be worried about marriage equality because “it’s already legal nobody’s gonna take that away from u”
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