Plague rat protest at The Shrine set to kick off in 15 minutes. This will be a thread about it.
They've been building up to this protest for over a month now, but not being able to organise on Facebook has made things difficult (although this does have a 2k+ attending event page).
In the last day a video of Luke Cornelius saying that protesting will be legal has been going around the traps - they cut it off before he says that obviously more than ten people from more than two households can't be gathering in the same place.
This woman is currently speaking. She says the virus doesn't exist and is a scam to bring in a new world order. Everyone cheers.
She refers to Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR test. Doesn't mention that he went on to be a HIV-denier and an astrologist. Crowd cheers again when she mentions MK Ultra. Just a reminder that these people are cooked af.
"I'm not saying that freemasons are bad, I'm just saying that freemasons shouldn't be in parliament ... we need these paedophiles out of government!" Crowd cheers.
She calls for a minute's silence which means the crowd is quiet enough for a second for me to hear the incredibly annoying voice of You're A Fuckwit Steve.
The megaphone has been handed over to "Dominic" (Harrison McLean) - the police are moving in.
Can't say it's reassuring to hear people coughing so loudly amongst yells of 'fuck you pigs'
Megaphone has been handed to a guy that lots of them thought was a crisis actor at the event on September 5th, how quickly they forget.
Someone is reading out the rights that prisoners have in Victorian prisons. They seem like they're significantly less than we currently have, but I'm not sure that's the point they're making.
Someone starts yelling to march to Parliament. "Yeah, let's go to Parliament!" Then someone starts yelling to hold the line. "Yeah, let's stay here!"
The crisis actor guy is telling people to stop yelling at the police, but just to discuss amongst themselves why they're here. Not sure this is going to help his brand in the long run.
A chant of "mental health matters" is happening.
The call for civil discourse didn't last very long. A chant of "nazis! nazis! nazis!" happening now. Set to some annoying techno beats.
There's a chant of "paedophile protectors! paedophile protectors!" followed immediately by a chant of "follow your heart! follow your heart!" Emotional whiplash for these cops.
Crowd is apparently walking to Parliament now. Some people are confused about why police said they'd be arrested after they watched a misleadingly edited video saying the protest would be legal. They blame Dan, not their compatriots who deliberately lied to them.
Crystal peddler Raph Fernandez is talking with Mel Ciechanowicz from the Digital Warfare group (mob that flood comment sections). She said that she spoke to an old man who said he'd rather have covid than be lonely. Raph thinks his cough is just a normal cold. He won't be tested.
The group walking to parliament have encountered some more police. Someone is yelling that the horses are racist. Didn't catch what the horse did to inspire that so no comment.
Crystal peddler Raph Fernandez was too busy yelling at a journalist for being fake news and walked into (another) pole.
Harrison McLean finally getting to do his speech that was interrupted before. He wants Covid-19 to be treated as a medical issue and not a political issue. Doctors should be allowed to prescribe anything.
Unsurprisingly he didn't get a huge response to this from the crowd that was loudly cheering people saying the virus didn't exist at all before.
A guy in a balaclava is doing a speech about hotel quarantine now. Someone tries to start a chant of "Dan Lied, People Died." Again, the majority of the crowd doesn't believe there's a virus so it's not really catching on.
Crowd is moving again. Think I heard someone say they were going to Government House. Maybe the GG will dissolve parliament for them.
They are going to Government House but there was some confusion about where that is.
They came to a fence and have had to change direction. They are prisoners in their own minds.
Can't help but feel that 5G would improve the video quality here.
The crowd is surrounding and cheering for a convicted domestic abuser.
The protest has moved back to The Shrine, but there are still cops there, so they're going to Albert Park. Of course when they went to Albert Park on September 5th the people who made that call were all called out for being controlled opposition.
Oh god, I think they turned around again.
Someone just threw a yoghurt from the top of an apartment building at some plague rats.
A small crowd surrounded a police van. Some are punching it. Someone reached through the window and did something to a cop inside. Mel Ciechanowicz says, "I should not be filming that."
There's a crowd at the United service station on King St - I feel like they are walking away from Albert Park now. "Is there an actual plan here?"
Cops have arrived at the servo.
People got locked inside the servo. "Open these doors or I'll break them down." Cops just grabbed someone. "What do you mean they're not letting people leave?" Worse places to be kettled than a pie shop imo.
Also earlier (the aforementioned yoghurt intervention)
Meanwhile, at Parliament, this guy is wondering where everyone is...
We ran out of livestreams before... here's how everything ended at the servo. Fin.
It feels like subconsciously the plague rats don't want "lockdown" (we're hardly locked down now) to end. Who wants to go back to being a bank teller or whatever when you can play-act as a freedom fighter?
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