The president inherited strong job-growth trends, coasted off it, and tried to take credit for it.

His talking points do not match reality.
Same story with the unemployment rate.
This chicken may claim it's doing a wonderful job driving. It just took over the wheel when momentum was going the right way.

When circumstances require more than squawking & preening, crash.
Our failed national COVID response cost tens of thousands of American their lives and millions of Americans their livelihoods.
POTUS's economic fear mongering is not credible.

Investment analysis firm @MoodysAnalytics (nonpartisan) predicts the U.S. economy and jobs would grow faster if Biden + Ds win.
In "its 208-year history... world’s most prestigious medical journal has never supported or condemned a political candidate.

"Until now.

Admin "responded so poorly to the coronavirus pandemic that they 'have taken a crisis & turned it into a tragedy.'”
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