If you’re a black man looking at these two guys and think that Trump — who is currently, in 2020 encouraging cops to beat you the fuck up, using you to scare white suburban women, and proposing policies to further harm you and your community — is a better choice you are a goofy.
And when Angela Davis said she don’t wanna unite with ALL Black ppl she meant you. And I’m with her.
Trump don’t give a fuck if your babies die. He don’t give a fuck if your communities are polluted. He don’t give a fuck when the cops kill you. He don’t give a fuck that COVID has killed one out of every 1000 Black folks in the US!
Trump don’t give a single fuck about you. Or your wives. Or your mothers. Or your kids. Or your brothers. Or your sisters. You are a talking point, no more and no less. He would let all of us fucking DIE if it meant the stock market goes up 1000 points. Do not be fools.
He’s a liar. He is a cheat. He is a FRAUD. People who look like are DYING.

Literally, dying.

Black women birthing your children are DYING.

Your grannies are DYING.

Your CHILDREN are the basically the ONLY kids DYING from COVID.

Do not be fooled! He don’t give a FUCK.
Our schools are CLOSED and even before that our schools were overcrowded and underfunded. Trump wants them to open but doesn’t want to give them a DIME to improve conditions even while our kids die. If you are a Black man how could you cast a vote ignoring the reality of 2020???
Donald Trump ain’t never EVER wanted to do SHIT for Black people. He has NEVER ever been on your side, and ESPECIALLY not when it comes to the fucking criminal justice system. All through the 90s and early 2000s he wanted MORE niggas in jail! Pls don’t fall for his bullshit.
In fact — he is now against BLM who are IN THE STREETS demanding justice and he stands AGAINST the movement! I swear to baby Jesus if you niggas vote for him stay far tf away from us. Go live with the racists!
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