Every night, I look outside the window. There is another apartment block opposite to mine. There don't seem to be many people living in it - usually only a few windows have the lights on. However, since a few weeks, there has been a column of lit windows. All of them (1/?)
...have the lights on. Every single one glows with a sickly yellow light. Recently, I noticed that a second column is lit. Same kind of light. The rooms behind those windows all look extremely barren and empty. (2/?)
Now nearly half of the block's windows are lit with the same light. Like countless eyes, they shine incessantly every night. Like a weird form of corruption slowly spreading through the block. Not a single room seems furnished. They're all empty. (3/?)
I wonder... will the corruption come for my own home after it finishes eating through the opposite block? (4/4)
by the way this thread is only half-fiction, there ARE increasingly more lit windows in the opposite block and they DO look like they're lighting up empty rooms and that IS spooky
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