
I try to be as transparent as possible without being tacky.

Sometimes the two don't align so I error on the side of not being tacky.

But let me say this, if you're young and pinning all your hopes and dreams on Btc, realize there are far better investments in the world.

Example: Let's say btc does indeed go to 50k some day.

A $13k investment today could be worth 50k..wowza, that is awesome!

But.. imagine you invested in yourself instead..and learned a skill that paid you for life.

How many 50k's would that skill return to you?

To drive this point home - the last software I created cost me roughly $12,000 to build.

It made $54,000 net its first day for sale in 2018.

Skills > Luck

And a hell of a lot more reliable/dependable.
4) And no, I'm not saying don't invest - even I have a small hodl portfolio that I don't trade with.

There's nothing wrong with investing.

I'm simply saying, realize its not the END ALL BE ALL.

Opportunity is all around you.
You can follow @sometrader78.
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