Recommend this book @SameeraKhan. It's got a typical anti-China bias & even praises the White Helmets, but the systems it describes are 100% identical what you're experiencing. Seeing a professional paid troll farm in action on your timeline has been absolutely fascinating!
For anyone interested in seeing this troll farm in action, look at the replies to this tweet, look at their language, look at their follower counts and registration dates. You can almost pinpoint when their agency got their "Tibetan" cause contract signed
There are real people who get sucked into the narrative too, that's one of the main goals of these troll farms after all, to shift conversations and create momentum. This is one of my favorites, the EXACT same fake newspaper generator used, different levels of thought applied.
Advice to this particular troll farm - Ease up on the misogynistic & homophobic insults. Get them to stop insulting people based on being low/2nd class. It paints overseas Tibetans in a bad light and is so pre-50's Tibet/present day India class/caste-like. Unless it's your goal.
This is what happens when you hire low skilled workers in your troll farm, they start to get confused and overwhelmed by their own posts, so much so that they lose track of who's who and occasionally turn on each other.
Dalai Lama follower offended that Sameera said there was a feudal based system that revolved around & was obsessed with your position/class in society under Dalai Lama's rule, calling it fake information, while simultaneously calling her a 3rd class beauty queen 😂👍

The most surprising thing has been seeing how xenophobic & misogynistic many of the overseas "Tibetan" trolls are. I thought this was in individual character issue and wasn't influenced from the top. This led me to dig a bit deeper into some of the Dalai Lama's philosophies.
The forbidden palace of Lhasa.
Her: "Stop spreading fake news" while spreading an outrageous story they made with a newspaper image generator app.

Also her: "Dalai Lama ruling over a fudeal class-based society is fake news" while being obsessed about calling Sammera a third class Pakistani.

Spectacular show!
What's interesting is that her solution is to command her followers to mass spam Sammera, call her friends, contact her past associates, write to the "mayor" of New Jersey đŸ€Ł & tell them not that she "sold baby fetuses", but that she said something even the Dalai Lama admitted to
If you think Sameera's source is shocking, wait till you see the "source" for your fetus selling story....
The emotions of these people ARE real, but this event has revealed something very important. The US funds groups these guys belong to, and they are dangerous & unstable religious extremists like the extremists the US has funded before them, because it's EXACTLY what they look for
So I have to revise my original assumption, this isn't a paid troll farm, they're real people. They simply appear like a paid troll farm because they're following commands from that lady without knowing what or why they're doing it. I tried engaging with a couple to check/verify.
Calling people CCP paid like they are now is a tradition. They now use this excuse to rationalize their violent persecution of other Buddhists who didn't strictly follow their ideas to the T. My overseas Tibetan friend got a letter demanding he isolated Shugden folks too in 90s.
What I've observed shows exactly what I've previously said my overseas Tibetan friends said. You don't even need to be positive about China, just being neutral will get you in trouble. Look at how they speak to overseas Tibetans who refuse to participate in their current campaign
One of my Tibetan friends here saw the videos/replies here yesterday and couldn't believe his eyes. While overseas Tibetans are waging Twitter wars, getting angry & trying to "save" Tibet, actual Tibetans are doing amazing things here. This bar was opened by a Tibetan in Chengdu
This isn't a one off, there's so many young Tibetan entrepreneurs doing amazing things, designing clothes, hosting fashion shows, brewing beer, involved in tech, etc. One told me, remember, 150k Tibetans in exile claim to represent the other 7m+ they don't even know or understand
Hoping no one uses the behaviour of trolls spending their life here trying to take someone's beauty pageant crown away to form an opinion on Tibetans. Look at the lives of real Tibetans in China, search online from the source. This influencer often shows her family in her videos.
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