Check out Maintenance Phase, it's an amazing podcast, just listened to ep. 2 about the President's Fitness Test. I've always hated the quantification of fitness, like despised it, and these days like are you getting your 10,000 steps did your heart rate hit 163 today?
And you can see the militarization of fitness too, adults brag about being in "a constant state of physical preparedness" without ever having done any combat training so whatever dude, we are so obsessed with being like measurably prepared for fighting in a really depressing way
But make sure your exercise is fun, right? Lets foster a love of exercise in kids AND weigh them right coz that'll help for some fucking reason. I don't ever remember weighing less than 50k (110lb) and as a child, always like the second fattest in class
And at an age where I knew in my bones that weight gain was inevitable coz I was like 8 or 9 years old, I just wanted to be able to slide in under 50k, somehow. But it's garbage of course, it's just a nimber, if a kilo was half a unit bigger than it is, we'd pick some other
Damn number to slide in under, and of course I gained weight anyway coz I was also growing taller like goddamn it even as a kid you know that weight loss for kids is total bs and by the time I was 10, I started losing weight for NO REASON but coz I was fat,
I figured that I must magically be doing something right, like even though I didn't know what it was and nothing had changed, so I didn't tell anyone about it because of shame even though my body was doing uncharacteristic weird shit, no alarm bells went off,
And anyway that was the onset of type 1 diabetes, which for the record IS NOT LINKED to diet (mine was good) or weight, but is instead an autoimmune disease, and anyway in was another six years before I discovered exercise I really, that was my jam,
But at school I just felt shitty about movement. I felt like I was bad at it, until athletics, like I hated team sports and running but one day I realized I could throw a discus really well, I could high jump, I could do pull ups, and knowing what I know now,
Even at that age I made for a great power athlete. One singular effort, great result, don't bother with endurance training. But I'd still get ignored or teased, because I didn't lookfit and I could sprint well but couldn't run for distance, but get this:
I was actually good at that kind of athletics, but DID NOT get chosen to do it, because people thought I wouldn't be. Like, just look at where the fucking discus landed maye? To this day, people are surprised at how fit I am because I look ordinary,
They're surprised about how strong my abs are because my belly isn't flat, but anyway none of it matters all that much, my fitness isn't for others. Long story short, check out 
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