I just want to say again. I'm a radical feminist. I want female people to be liberated from oppression, that means dismantling all structures of male power - gender, race, capitalism and their offshoots homophobia, class etc. That's why I oppose gender identity ideology. Thread>
I don't hate anyone, I'm not fearful of gender non conformity. Quite the opposite, as a RF I believe gnc is what we should all aim for. That's breaking the shackles. I do not believe trans is a manifestation or a political movement towards gnc, I think it's quite the opposite.
I believe gender dysphoria exists and causes serious distress. I think there are many routes to it - from internalised homophobia, misogyny and social contagion to agp. I think effective and timely support should be provided, I don't think invasive treatments are the answer.
I believe "trans" is a political statement, a narrative people use to make sense of their feelings. I understand the pull but I believe it is ultimately detrimental to people who become lifelong patients and to society because it perpetuates misogyny and homophobia.
I don't care how people behave or live their lives as long as they do not hurt or negatively impact anyone but I understand that trans ideology has underpinned a resurgence in essentialist, misogynistic and homophobic ideas and attacks on women's rights/protections.
That's a real harm and in a society where women and lesbian/gay people are facing discrimination and oppression it is already hard for their voices to be heard. A movement led by white, straight, middle class, middle aged males being given prominence only silences us more.
It's an easy thing for corporates & governments to accept. It fits in with their existing views and the dominant hierarchies, men do this, women behave like that. It offers no liberatory potential. Just reinforcement of conformity. Gender abolitionism is where real change is at.
There's lots of different groups working against gender identity ideology. They're roughly framed as 'gender critical' but this is a misnomer whilst activists position anyone who says sex is immutable is GC, which would cover 99% of the global population.
It includes everyone from all walks of life regardless of their political beliefs so it becomes a nonsense. The majority of those people do not even know what gender is let alone how to critique it. That's why you see so much nonsense being attributed and shared.
I'm not a gender critical feminist though, I'm a radical feminist. I'd suggest to the women who define themselves that way that the time is long up that some boundaries and basic tenets are decided upon because the conflation with non feminist GCs is becoming a problem.
As a radical feminist I'm happy to work with GC feminists who do good things but not the wider group which includes social conservatives and the right wing. That's not because I hate them (I don't) or because I write off all their interventions (PP vs Harrop was great).
I just don't believe their politics will bring around the world I want to see. Specifically, I do not believe their politics can effectively dismantle the environment of power and inequality that led to the formation of the trans narrative.
You can say "yes but they can help bring it all down" to your hearts content. But they cannot wipeout the underlying misogyny, homophobia, consumerism and individualism that led to the advent of the trans narrative in the first place. Because many of them embrace those things.
And that is why, for me, it will always and only be radical feminism (with the help of our socialist feminist sisters) that can truly undermine this manifestation of male power and lead the way to the liberation of female people, and all people, from oppression.
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