sagittarius check-in ;

yes, you have every right to be proud of yourself and appreciate the levels of your growth. even with the challenges you may be facing right now, you need to continue to affirm your power remind yourself that you have grown and you still are. (1/11)
right now, there may be some roadblocks or old memories from the past appearing and you’re starting to fall in this self-doubting mindset and stepping back into self-sabotaging behavior. be your best self and that is you as you are focused on learning your lessons, (2/11)
applying them, making forward movement, and following your truth. sometimes, being present in the space is more than enough, dont feel like you have to push and push and push when your guides have placed a lounge chair in your space. let yourself experience this moment (3/11)
without needing to get up and run to the next. whatever blockages are present, what would benefit you is letting go, doing what you can and not letting stress weigh on you when you can only do so much. your “best” is not just what you accomplish in the end, your best is (4/11)
a culmination of so many moments where you succeeded and achieved in circumstances and environments that hindered you—your best is every single moment from birth to end when you have overcome and lived in your truth so look at you, doing your best everyday. please remind (5/11)
yourself of that. even if it feels forced telling yourself how proud of you are each day, do it until it feels good and you really mean the words you say to yourself—“i am my fucking best and i am doing the damn best.” there’s a strong theme of love and happiness (6/11)
around you, not only are you giving that love to yourself but the love is being given to and received from everyone around you. there’s growth in many relationships, healing and transformation coming to your most strongest bonds. everything just feels so damn good and (7/11)
your guides want you to enjoy every part of it and remind yourself of how much you deserve to feel good. you’re rising up and moving forward. know that this is not the end but only the beginning. you finally see your growth in action and look at all the blessings it’s (8/11)
bringing you. i know you’re like “finally” because you’ve been waiting a long ass time, lmao! everything is coming to alignment and you’re finding yourself, taking steps towards elevation each day. during the full moon in taurus on october 31st, please spend some time (9/11)
giving thanks. give thanks not only to your guides, but to you body, mind, and soul. reflect on the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical growth you’ve gone through and speak your affirmations as your manifestations for your future. the day of the full moon, (10/11)
you may feel tired and thats okay, spend the day in bed (and with your lover or pet) and just let the day roll by. you may feel like you’re the only person in the world on the full moon and that’s okay, spirit wants you to realize the world is yours.

444, 777

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