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The current scandal around Joe Biden stems from his alleged business dealings with CEFC, a now bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate

I'm sure none of you have heard of them, but I'm very familiar with who they are because I'd heard a lot about them both in EU and US

In the early to mid 2010's this was one of the top 10 private Chinese companies

During this period they were extremely aggressive in expanding and were buying up, or trying to buy up all sorts of businesses worldwide

Their founder, Ye Jianming, was quite the rising star

NY Times:

Ye was deputy secretary in a Chinese military organization that is considered a "front for the People’s Liberation Army unit that has “dual roles of intelligence collection and conducting People’s Republic of China propaganda.”

Many rumors he was close with Xi

But at some point, I started hearing sketchy things about them: they seemed to be trying to make deals everywhere

Everybody knew about CEFC

One of their chief envoys was Patrick Ho

This guy was very prominent in the Euro-Atlantic NGO/Think Tank scene

In 2007, he became head of the China Energy Fund Committee which was funded by CEFC

This organization, under Ho, was central in Xi Jinping's Belt & Road Initiative: a global infrastructure development program where China financed investments

The organization, China Energy Fund Committee, Ho was in charge of "was a think-tank that forged deep ties to the United Nations and the international strategic affairs community."

I know people who met him. Ho was ready to invest in all kinds of top-level DC/Brussels NGOs

The house of cards started falling when Patrick Ho was arrested for Bribery of an African official

Turns out that this think tank was a kind of "fixer" for CEFC

It was quite a big scandal in DC/Brussels at the time because they all knew this guy

Finally, CEFC fell apart

A company financed by China's top Banks was said to have:

"used a complex web of affiliated companies to facilitate fake deals, inflate trade figures and obtain bank loans to fuel its aggressive expansion"

Official story

Nobody knows what all this means

Was Ye operating a fraudulent scheme?

Or was Ye a front for Chinese intelligence?

Was Ye the sacrificial lamb after Patrick Ho was arrested?

Who knows...

What's clear is that many books will be written about what really happened

The problem is that @JoeBiden was involved with this

US/EU intelligence services were looking hard at CEFC for a while

This whole story is complex and I do not claim to have a scoop

But CEFC is not just some Chinese company

Was a huge company with a complicated history

The positive, but negative, part of the story is that they got on the CEFC train too late

I doubt they made very much money from CEFC because it all came crashing down in November 2017 when Patrick Ho was arrested

Intelligence authorities probably did this to protect Biden

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