btw, i'm madder at jj about finn than i am at rian. especially because apparently he had the energy to totally rewrite rey's backstory and retcon her entire arc and shove in pettiness at tlj like the "weapon of a jedi" dig but "actual arc for finn" was beyond him
like, how do you write an entire subplot for finn where he's about to confess his force-sensitivity to rey, which you confirm in interviews, but never have him actually get to confess it or confirm it another way in the movie. like they didn't even bother to conclude that thread
retconning tlj in other major ways demonstrated that what tlj did with the characters wasn't holding jj back on anything, and "honoring tlj" wasn't the reason finn's arc turned out the way it did in tros. and jj did retcon finn's romantic subplot from tlj too by writing out rose
so he could've continued the stormtrooper rebellion idea, or he could've even retconned in a jedi finn idea, but instead he did nothing and according to naomi's interviews even cut out most of the new romance he wrote for finn with jannah
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