Top 10 people Biden should bring to the debate:
1) Donald Trump, Junior
2) Vladimir Putin
3) A really tall high school kid, point at him and ask Trump "Is that Barron? Can you tell if it is?"
4) Steve Bannon (tell him there'll be free food, he'll show up like the hobo that he is)
5) One of the spare "multiple Melanias" that got laid off due to the campaign budget crunch.
6) Tom Hanks made up as Mr. Rogers
7) Anthony Fauci
8) Barack Obama, who points at his eyes with two fingers and then Trump's, the old "I'm watching you" signal.
9) Herman Cain's twitter account
10) Sean Spicer, in a Dancing With the Stars costume, which would be terribly embarrassing for Trump as Spicer fawns over him and keeps waving at him
Bonus #11 and 12:

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