have you actually read through Joe Biden's proposed gun control measures? I have, and they're not what I expected:

first up we have a promise to ban all online sales of firearms and firearm accessories. this is based on the "Internet Gun Sale Loophole" which is mostly a myth. if you purchase a gun online from any licensed/legal dealer, a background check is mandatory.
next, he says he'd prohibit anyone convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime from purchasing a firearm.

the wording of this one is deceptive, because we always associate "murder/violence" with "hate crime."

but a *misdemeanor* hate crime could be as little as saying a naughty word.
& this one is literally just a gun grab.

"assault weapon" is a term I'm sure you've heard tossed around quite a bit.

he's not talking about automatic machine guns, the manufacture of which has been prohibited since 1986.

"assault weapon" refers to any firearm. any.
anyway, feel free to share your thoughts. I didn't believe it until I saw it. pretty interesting how this isn't talked about much in the media. maybe it'll be a topic for tonight's debate
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