as i get older im really starting to appreciate the way british tv shows are typically only 1 seasons and just tell their story and end.
every american show or even a bunch of movies always feels the need to have a hook, always feels the need to keep going, always sets up plot threads in the middle of the season that get resolved in the next. its endlessly frustrating. just tell your story!
very very very few shows turn into long running syndicated series! please stop trying to make your story a "thing" and just tell your story!!!
and you know, the things that often end becoming long running staple series don't even suffer from this! shit like x-files had long running stories but for the most part you can pop on any episode in the series at any point and know whats going on and get a complete story!
start a tv show with the idea you want to tell a story, not start a franchise.
with that x-files comparison, im not saying stories have to be resolved in one single episode, a season is fine. but unless you are secured like a 5 season deal, stop trying to make stuff go past 1 season when you dont know if it even *can*
Also this is just a problem of capitalism, why tell a story when you can start a franchise that makes you and the actors millions? But since everyone is trying to do it it just leads to shows that ask more than they answer and then get cancelled.
This thread brought to you by the fact I’ve been binging a lot of Netflix recently and EVERY SHOW I LIKE DID THIS AND WAS CANCELLED
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