Poland already has one of the EU’s most restrictive abortion laws.

Constitutional Tribunal now decides to restrict reproductive rights even more.

EU Commission & EU member states should urgently address breaches of rule of law & their impact on fundamental rights in Poland. https://twitter.com/hillarymargo/status/1319329069436207104
Yesterday's decision in Poland by the numbers: https://twitter.com/BDStanley/status/1319308755310415877
Sweden's foreign minister on this latest attack on human rights in Poland: https://twitter.com/AnnLinde/status/1319320424614924292
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights: https://twitter.com/Dunja_Mijatovic/status/1319299447998861312
The Polish government's long-term assault on an independent judiciary…

Assisted this latest undermining of women's rights…

Followed now by this attack on the right to protest…

Is the ruling party trying to collect the whole set of rights abuses? https://twitter.com/hillarymargo/status/1319533613646491648
And let's not forget the Polish ruling party's denials that LGBT people have human rights. They even deny LGBT people are human at all... https://twitter.com/astroehlein/status/1310989371621945344
Impressive image, via @strajkkobiet
You can follow @astroehlein.
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